
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Visual Studio on Parallel Desktop : Failed to start monitoring changes to 'Z:\....'

Ok. So you're trying a VM called Parallel Desktop and trying to run your Visual Studio (2010/2008) with the solutions stored on your HD. For the rest of you, the VM Parallel Desktop allows you to access the data on your Mac via Network Share automatically.

So you hit this problem :

Failed to start monitoring changes to 'Z:\....'

What happened ? Why it didn't work ? Where did you put my cheese ?

Well the reason it didnt work is because Visual Studio (or the ASP.NET Worker process) monitors your web.config file for changes. I think this only happens if you use the default web server that comes with Visual Studio. I haven't tried IIS but I believe this will not happen. This seems to be an issue more on security where the process is requesting to access that drive. But since access on the folder from your mac to the VM may not be an option to configure (maybe hard, not sure but I decided not to follow that path), the next thing you can do is to disable the file change notification.

  • On your windows, open up your registry editor by going to regedit.
  • For 64-bit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ASP.NET
  • For 32-bit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET
  • Create a Dword called FCNMode and assign a value of 1.
  • Restart your machine.

Here's hows my registry looks like.


Here's my VSStudio 2010 on MacOSX with my DesignsPattern solution open.


Running this :


No Errors..



  1. Thanks, this worked perfectly for me

  2. Thanks! really works. Build succeeded.

  3. YOU ARE A GOD! Thanks so much for this fix! I never ever ever ever would have figured this out on my own.
